Limelight is a fuzz / distortion unit designed to pay tribute to the first commercially available fuzz, its british derivatives and their offsprings. While not a part for part clone of any of these designs, the sound is all there and then some. A beam control morphs from nasty “satisfaction” gated fuzz up to mkI / II style fuzz distortion.
But there is more than that. Limelight is probably the first fuzz pedal to have extraordinary low gain boost sounds. Set gain at minimum settings, beam all the way up and drive your amp to sonic bliss. All analog! We hand select 3 New Old Stock Germanium transistors for each pedal ensuring ideal performance and consistency.
Note: Limelight requires a center negative power supply for proper operation. It is a positive ground circuit. Do not use a daisy chain power supply with negative ground effects. Please make sure to use an isolated power supply output !
Read the Manual
Premier Gear Award-Review in Premier Guitar's "The Pedal Issue" October 2019